Rare earth extractant
J&K Scientific sells a series of phosphonate rare earth extractants (P227, C272, P507) developed by Professor Xiao Jichang of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Compared with industrial grade (purity of about 90%), high-purity rare earth extractants (purity of 95-99%) are more effective in the separation of rare earths, nickel and cobalt, with higher yields, fewer impurities, and easier purification.
The purity can reach up to 99%, and a variety of conventional extraction agents with a purity of 95-96% are provided.
Easily solve problems caused by impurities and difficult purification
Sample trial available
High purity rare earth compounds
The highest purity can reach 99.9999%
More than 240 kinds of high-purity metal compounds are available for you to choose from
Provide packaging methods such as ampoules and wax seals to ensure product quality
Xiao Jichang, doctoral candidate. Research directions: 1. Synthesis and reaction of fluorine-containing functional molecules: Develop mild and efficient fluorination reagents, develop novel fluorine chemical reactions, and synthesize fluorine-containing drug molecules and functional material molecules. 2. Green, efficient separation and purification methods: For complex mixture systems, develop efficient separation reagents and green purification methods.