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Sku 44-8033-250MG
Technical Notes 1.Photoredox catalysts for formation of 2-substituted benzothiazoles through radical cyclization of thioanilides . 2.Photoredox catalysis for Au-co-catalyzed of oxy- and aminoarylation of alkenes. 3.Used for construction of quaternary carbons from tertiary alcohols via photoredox catalyzed fragmentation of tort-alkyl N-phthalimidoyoxalates. 4.Pholoredox catalyst for trifluoromethylation of aromatio alkenes using DMSO as an oxidizer. 5.Photoredox catalyst for Au-co-catalyzed expanslon- oxidatlve arylation reaction . 6.Proloredox catalyst for chemos elective C(sp')- C(sp?) coupling reactions vla deboron ative/dec arboxylativoalkenylation. 7.Usod in photocatalytic radlcal trifluoromothylation/cyclization cascado to gonorato CF s-containing pyrazollnos and isoxazolinos . 8.Photoredox catalyst for Au-co-catalyzod for carbon-phosphorus cross-coupling roactions. 9.Used in baso-froo photorodox/nickol dual-catalytic cross-coupling of ammonium alkylsilicatos 10. Photorodox catalyst for visiblo-light inducod alcohol oxidatlon to gonorato alkoxyl radicals using cyclic iodino(llI) roagont catalysis, onabling furthor soloctivo C(sp') -C(sp1) bond cloavago ond with subsoquontalkynylation/alkonylation. 11. Usod in enantiosoloctivo photocatalytic [3+ 2] cycloadditions of aryl cyclopropyl kotones . 12. Photocatalyst for Lowis acid assistod ß-soloctivo roductivo coupling of alkonylpyridinos with aldohydos and iminos. 13. Usod in onantiosoloctivo crossod photocycloaddltions of styronic olofins by L .owis acid catalyzod triplot sensitizatioron 14. Photorodox catalyst for Ni-asslstod thioarylation of unprotoctod poptidos and biomoloculos. 15. Pholoredox catalyst for C-H trifluoromothoxylation of arones and hetoroarenos. 16. Usod in tho synthosis of sulfonatod 1 -lsoindolinonos through a multicomponent reaction with tho insortlon of sulfur dioxide. 17Photocatalyst for c- -H arene amination with pyridyl radical cation. 18. Photorodox catalyst for intormolecular radical arylthiocyanation/aryIselenocyanation of alkonos. |