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Sku 14-1530-5G
Technical Notes: 1. Used in the chemical vapor deposition of silicon nitride films, and also, the atomic layer deposition of SiN.Cy dielectric sealing layers using plas ma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (P .2.Used as a reagent for silylation. References: 1.AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1649(1, Irago Conference 2014), 41. 2.Materials Science in Semiconductor 3.Processing 2015, 29, 139. 4.Applied Surface Science, 2010, 257(4). 1 196. 5.Surface and Coatings Technology. 2008, 202(9), 1606. 6.Microelectronic Engineering, 1991. 13(1-4), 4 7.Joural of Vacuum Science & Technology, B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 1990, 8(6), 1481. |